Friday, February 24, 2012

Bill Owens
This image is a lot different than most in this series. The series being Suburbia. I say this because there are no figures in this image. And it feels a lot less home"y" than the other images because of the lack of materials and the open space. Now that is not to say that someone couldn't consider this their home but it does lack a sense of love and completion that most homes. 

Bill Owens
"We're really happy. Our kids are
healthy, we eat good food, and we
have a really nice home."
Owens incorporates quotes from his models. By doing so he creates a sort of time stamp, much like the cars in Stephen Shore's photographs. What may seem to the norm at the time can now have an almost comedic quality. Solely for the fact that it is a new era with new beliefs. This is a very interesting photograph especially with the quote added in his series Suburbia his sense of organizing shapes within the frame is well thought out and executed. The confrontation of the two adults and even the baby seals the deal to this "perfect" family portrayed by owens and his camera.

Bill Owens
We really enjoy getting together with
our friends to drink and dance. It's a wild
party and we're having a great time.
Another picture by Owens' series Suburbia with another odd quote. It almost seems as if the quote is from a T.V. series of the "perfect couple" in your average America. It almost seems fake, or as a front by these people. Or maybe they are jus naive? They aren't putting on a front for the camera, maybe it is just the juxtaposition of the quote of a wild party and this portrait of a couple portraying a sense of calm. far from wild. Yes, the juxtaposition is what gives this series a curve from the norm. I think it works, very well actually, and proves the point on how titles or captions included with photograph's can make them more interesting.

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