Friday, February 11, 2011

Light and Shadow

Light and Shadow Blog Post -- Assignment 1

When asked to do research for three (3) photographs that I found interesting that have to do with Light and Shadow I knew exactly the ones I wanted. The following images were chosen based on their visual appeal and content.

Madonna -- Henry Meatyard
This image has always been one of my favorite photographs. Henry Meatyard's Madonna is beautifully composed to have the subject the slightest bit off center. The juxtaposition of older women to younger girl adds a deeper connection with the audience. The silhouetted subjects are greatly contrasted by the window blinds, especially the broken ones in the top half of the image.

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 -- Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams was a master at photography and his images will for always be visually appealing and techniquly beautiful. The lower half of Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 is greatly contrasted by the upper half of the photograph. The moon is lightly off center which allows for visual stability and a connection with the lighted graveyard in the lower half. This image uses depth of field to it's advantage and only lights the subject matter important to the photograph.
Fatima, Portugal, 1964 -- George Krause
 The third image chosen is George Krause's Fatima, Portugal, 1964. This image is balanced by 3 figured and their cast shadows. The obscurity of the meaning adds to my interest in the photograph. The contrast of the gray tones (in what looks to be sand) with the figures almost fully silhouetted bodies is a great addition to the already complete composition.