Friday, February 24, 2012

Chrissie White
This image is very intriguing to me. It creates a lot of unanswered questions. I want to know wethere this is digitally edited of a snap shot of a girl jumping over the bed and catching it just at the right time. The lighting seems to be acceptable by my eyes standard which is why I am split between a straight shot or photoshop. None the less it is very well executed with an interesting cool and muted color palette while still capturing an interesting photograph. I am now sort of interested in catching uncommon situations or surrealistic images after seeing this. It is making me think and i appreciate that in an image.

Chrissie White
I chose this image for several reasons. One of the main reasons is the recent occurrence of nice weather in this fine state of Delaware. The weather reminds of the beginning of spring, where there are still leaves on the ground and yet the trees and environment is starting to bloom. There is a great sense of atmosphere in this photograph as well. The way the light is seen in a beam coming through the trees and softly landing on the ground to create these highlighted emphasized shapes on the forrest floor. With out the clouds of fog in this image it would not be as successful, it would not be as interesting. It would be more mundane and less surreal/dreamy.

Edax Omni
I think this is just a beauitful image that is compositionally sound. Another reason I appreciate it is Omni's sense of lighting, the skin on the figure is so soft and smooth it almost resembles a statue. Omni also creates a sense of mystery by not showing the eyes of the subject,  now it is also very possible that isn't real and its a mannequin. just because of hoe the lips seem so close to skin tone and that that skin tone is almost to fair to be human. But either way this is a great photograph with great framing especially with a close-up such as this. The rim light on the hoodie also seals the deal to complete the swooping line created across the image due to the negative space. 

Bill Owens
This image is a lot different than most in this series. The series being Suburbia. I say this because there are no figures in this image. And it feels a lot less home"y" than the other images because of the lack of materials and the open space. Now that is not to say that someone couldn't consider this their home but it does lack a sense of love and completion that most homes. 

Bill Owens
"We're really happy. Our kids are
healthy, we eat good food, and we
have a really nice home."
Owens incorporates quotes from his models. By doing so he creates a sort of time stamp, much like the cars in Stephen Shore's photographs. What may seem to the norm at the time can now have an almost comedic quality. Solely for the fact that it is a new era with new beliefs. This is a very interesting photograph especially with the quote added in his series Suburbia his sense of organizing shapes within the frame is well thought out and executed. The confrontation of the two adults and even the baby seals the deal to this "perfect" family portrayed by owens and his camera.

Bill Owens
We really enjoy getting together with
our friends to drink and dance. It's a wild
party and we're having a great time.
Another picture by Owens' series Suburbia with another odd quote. It almost seems as if the quote is from a T.V. series of the "perfect couple" in your average America. It almost seems fake, or as a front by these people. Or maybe they are jus naive? They aren't putting on a front for the camera, maybe it is just the juxtaposition of the quote of a wild party and this portrait of a couple portraying a sense of calm. far from wild. Yes, the juxtaposition is what gives this series a curve from the norm. I think it works, very well actually, and proves the point on how titles or captions included with photograph's can make them more interesting.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 4

Len Jenshel
This photograph is very monumental. A different perspective on a landscape with a lot of texture. This image almost seems black and white. The drift wood leads your eye to the horizon line as well as back to the mountains. Another reason I like this image is because it was shot for national geographic.  There is also a great depth in this image and use of dark tones.

Len Jenshel
This is a very amazing photograph. The way that Jenshel captured the fireworks as well as evening out the light on the fence. I also think this is a great example of mixed light as well.  The compliments of red and green as well as the tungsten light on the fence. The fence also creates a line for your eye to travel stopping at the couple gazing in the distance and then looking up towards the fireworks.

William Eggleston
I think this is a great use of fluorescent lighting. The composition is spot on as well. The way that Eggleston arranged the objects within the frame. This photograph has a very cold. "prim" if you will environment. The subtle creases in the chair that relate to the creases in the bed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stephen Shore Week 2

Stephen Shore
I believe this is a very successful photograph that also screams SHORE! I say this because he has a very distinct range of tones and hues, possibly due to the film but at any rate very distinct. Something i find very intriguing is the fact that there are very minimal objects in this picture and yet it is composed to its full potential. It is a very good example of how you do not need a very cluttered frame to produce something interesting. I also appreciate the relationship of the gap between the truck and the white pole, as well as the two poles to the sign.

Stephen Shore
This is one of my favorite Shore photographs. Reason being, it has a great sense of a hotel or guest room. I would assume hotel just because of the mount for the T.V. and the glass over the desk. It is amazing to me that Shore has captured such a photograph with the tonal range of the room being spot on and the window blown out just enough. You cannot see outside and it is just barely extruding onto the trim of the window. The addition of the feet with the shoes on the bed also relates to the idea of a hotel; someone there but ready to leave at any moment, with the suitcase unlatched but not open. 

Stephen Shore 
This I would have to say does not seem like a very interesting image. Yes, the colors could be interesting in the sense that he utilizes the main colors on the color wheel but other than that it appears to me as a snap shot. Or in better words a documentation. It almost reminds me of a picture that a college student would take to show there fridge after they realized you're not supposed to unplug it and keep the doors closed over winter-break. So maybe it is more the idea behind the photograph than the actual photograph that bothers me. Although it still does not show the essence I can see in most other photographs that Shore has produced.